Why Did So Many Colonist Die In Early Jamestown?
In 1607 colonists began to die from the unhealthy environment, colonist also were dying because of their poor health, and they also died from the attack from the Powhatan indians. The first reason colonist died in early jamestown was because of their poor health of malnutrition and the drought from 1607 to 1612. The second reason colonist died in early jamestown was because of their unhealthy environment due to their water being scarce the first four years, then later caused the water to become too salty and contaminated which caused it to be unusable.The third reason colonist died in early jamestown was because of the attack of the Powhatan Indians to the settlers attempting to take their land and food. This is why many colonist died in early Jamestown. And, the reason colonist died in early jamestown was because of their poor health of malnutrition and the drought from 1607 to 1612. One example would be it decreased their chances for growing crops and the food that they did have, wouldn’t have been enough to last the winter. Another example would be because Jamestown suffered a horrible drought causing problems for the colonists because this would mean no water for crops no food for the colonist. Last example would be because Francis West’s men took the grain, put it on their ships, and didn’t take it to the colonist in Jamestown, instead they took the grain to England. The reason the colonist died in early jamestown was because of their poor health malnutrition and the drought from 1607 to 1612.
In addition to, the reason colonist died in early jamestown was because of the unhealthy environment due to their water being too salty and contaminated which caused it to be unusable. One example would be the water became too salty from the high and low tides, that happened twice daily. Another example would be because of Water was also scarce during the first four years,