This event had inspired me the intention to achieve my goal. My first voluntary job had provided me with both curiosity and pressure. Both of this reaction upon my first voluntary job had caused me to achieve an outstanding goal and progress.
Most people might think that curiosity was a type of desire to know or learn certain types of things or activity. However, curiosity could also stands for an "object" that arouses interest upon a human mentally. Be a doctor and work in the hospital had always been my first extraordinary goal and intention upon my life. Both of these intentional goals had provided me with interest and curiosity on my first voluntary job. Sometimes when I met some medical equipment or unclear data that I can't conceive, I would simply ask someone. Or sometimes I might also do some private research upon the subject. Curiosity had provided me the first step on the road to my outstanding achievement and goal.
Another emotional feeling that helped me to achieve my goal was pressure. People might think that pressure was a kind of force or stress that enters