My goals beginning school again at Colorado Christian University are to obtain my Bachelor’s Degree in Health Administration. Getting my Bachelor’s degree is something I have always desired and hope to one day finally accomplish.
Growing up my family and friends have always been big supporters of education and even though it has been several years since I attended college I am determined to keep my motivation and get my degree. For the longest time I found it hard deciding what it was that I wanted to do, however after being in my current job it helped lead to making up my mind and deciding what to finish school in. I have discovered that I really enjoy the medical field and helping others.
A few years ago I had taken …show more content…
I auditioned for the group with my singing and that year received a phone call that I had been accepted to be one of the participants in the group for the cast that year. I was ecstatic and ready to begin the journey. I arrived in Denver that July unsure and a little nervous at exactly what to expect, upon my arrival I met all my future cast mates. I was one of the ninety students chosen throughout the world to be in this cast and one of the three from Colorado.
There were students from all over the United States, Belgium, China, Japan,
Netherlands, Bermuda, Finland, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Mexico, and Canada.
We spent two weeks in Denver learning all sorts of new music and dances to put on the show that we would be taking all over the country for the next six months. We spent
hours practicing each day. Our show was meant to inspire people in their communities to go out and make a difference whether through kind words, actions, or even a smile.
Along with the shows we did, in each community we stayed we did community service projects for them whether working in gardens, painting, rebuilding parks and hiking trails, etcetera. We also visited elementary, middle and high schools teaching