When I started middle school, my older brother had influenced me the most he helped me when I was nervous, helped me with any homework or anything from school that I didn’t understand, and he’s helped me when I was too scared to speak in front of the class. Through the years many people have greatly influenced me, but one person in particular has influenced me the most, and that person is my older brother. Because my old brother helped me when I started middle school, prepared me for 6th grade, and helped me with my homework, he has been a very positive influence on me. To start, when I was a month away from my first day at middle school I started to freak out, I was thinking that it would be horrible and I would be …show more content…
My older brother greatly influenced my transition from being an annoying kid from elementary school, to a more mature middle schooler. I remember when on the first day of middle school when I walked into my first class and they told us the first thing we would do is open our lockers. At the time I didn’t know how to open the locker properly so everyone else got it opened and I had to ask the teacher to open mine. That night when I got home I was at the dinner table and I told my mom that I didn’t know how to open the locker, my older brother heard our conversation and told me he would teach me how to do it. So we went upstairs and he had me practice on a safe that had the same mechanism as the lockers did. Finally, he has influenced me the most when it comes to homework. The school had placed me into the honors math class in 6th grade and I had troubles keeping up with all of the homework that I was getting. My older brother offered to help me with my homework, and he taught me how to do any of the math that I wasn’t able to do. Another thing he did that greatly influenced me, is he teached me how to do things that we weren't even learning in class yet, which meant when we did learn it in class I already knew how to do it