The readings and discussion in class helped me to understand what leadership is about. The first concept of leadership to me was to understand my leadership style. Before this class, I never thought about my leadership style or even knew that there were different types of leadership. I think my leadership style is best described by the combined style of pacesetting and coaching, because I was exposed to the pacesetting style a lot by my dad who was very professional and expected good things from people. He would demand the most from everyone and he expected them
Cited: oleman, D. (2000, March-April). Leadership That Gets Results. Harvard Business Review, 78-90. Hanson, P.G. & Lubin, B. (1986). Team Building as Group Development. Organizational Development Journal, 28-30. Hughes, R., Ginnett, R, & Gurphy, G. (2002). Leadership: Exchange the lessons of experience (4th ed). Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin. Johnson, D.W. & Johnson, F.P. (1987). Joining together: Group theory and group skills. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, Inc. Kidder, R.M. (2003). How good people make tough choices. New York: Simon & Schuster. Kouzes, J.M. & Posner, B.Z. (1989). Leadership is in the eye of the follower. The 1989 Animal: Development Human Resources, 223-239. Lencioni, P.M. (2002). The five dysfnctions of a team: A leadership fable. San Franciso: Jossey-Bass. Weeks, D (1992). The eight essential steps to conflict resolution: Perserving relationships at work, at home, and in the community. Las Angeles: Jeremy P. Tarcher, Inc.