A leadership approach that was studied during the course of this quarter that I would most likely adopt would be the situational approach. I selected this approach based on my style of leadership and my current position. In analyzing my leadership philosophy with the situational leadership approach, as a leader, I have to be flexible and adaptable in my style when addressing the needs of my followers. I can interact with a variety of staff, administrators, and peers, each with their various stages of development, and is still able to lead the organization efficiently. To be an effective leader, I have to be cognizant of my team members’ skills and abilities. Leaders can …show more content…
utilize the situational approach in a variety of scenario and can be especially useful when working with a diverse group of individuals and talents. I have used the situational approach to aid me in the developmental differences within my department so that tasks more effectively and efficiently accomplished.
Leadership style consists of the behavioral pattern of an individual while attempting to influence others.
It includes both directive behaviors which can be further described as task oriented and supportive behaviors geared towards relationships with followers. Situation approach has enabled me to understand that leadership is the art of getting everyone on board with the idea of a shared mission or goal. While this often entails changing the minds of some to implement new plans or practices. A leader's adaptability is the crucial necessity for the success of becoming a more effective leader. Situational leadership theory and skills are useful in understanding the leadership required to effectively guide organizations (Rabarison, Ingram, & Holsinger, 2013). Due to its flexibility, this theory of leadership is an appropriate approach for leading organizational processes as a driven model of leadership. As a leader we should have the flexibility of observing different views, values, visions and guiding principles for our success, and the actions necessary to ensure the success of the team (Guilherme &Flavio …show more content…
Alignment of personal leadership style with the one you wish to adopt.
Situational leadership means “choosing the right leadership style for the right people,” according to Blanchard and Hersey.
Leaders who are genuinely engaged and involved with the team members are more likely to become committed to have the solution work than those who are working behind the scenes (Chamberlin, 2013). To be successful in today’s work environment, I must learn to balance task direction with the proper relationship behavior, leading to high levels of consistent performance across team members. As leaders, it is our responsibility to cultivate all of our subordinates and prepare them for situations in which decisions will have to be made. I believe that with each situation leader’s Emotional Intelligence EEI) would come into play. EI affects the outcome, empathy is a significant aspect of EI and transparency and compassion in dealing with subordinates and followers. A big part of this will be to encourage critical thinking skills. Having the capability to develops maturity levels of my subordinates will give rise to building a better relationship with them while enhancing their needs and confidence. Another component will be enhance my development in four core areas which includes compassion, awareness, regulation and emotional intelligence. (Warren,
Explanation of approaches or theories would not want to adopt.
There were a variety of theories studied this quarter, there were a few that would adopt and a few that I would not adopt, three of those are the leader-member exchange (LMX) theory, transactional theory and Laissez-faire. These theories are the complete opposite of how I believe that a leader should behave.
Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory
LMX theory, posited that leaders often develop, with a selected group of followers, high-quality exchange relationships which provide privileged followers with challenging responsibilities (Liden & Graen, 1980), resources, opportunities for risk-taking and encouragement for innovation. High value and flexibility are placed on resources and develop their people (Bass, 1990). These leadership qualities have been found to relate to followers’ behaviors positively. The LMX theory does not account for leadership personalities very well. LMX is so intuitive that it appears to be visible. The basic ideas of the theory are not fully developed, and it fails to explain how high-quality exchanges take place.
Transactional theory
Transactional leadership focuses on supervision, organization and group performance.
Transactional model has much success in the traditional healthcare facilities but faces many challenges in the dynamic modern healthcare facilities these includes; lack of motivation as the unit supervisors are always pressing in order to achieve the hospitals objectives. Second the model is too rigid thus it does not allow room for personal ideas and personal contribution which is basic in better healthcare around the world. Third is that all the blame falls to the supervisor in case of anything goes wrong as he or she is the one who authorized the healthcare procedure. It causes reliance by leader as it will mean that the supervisor and the leader must be ever present at the health care facility to ensure that employees are doing their work.
Laissez-faire leaders don't interfere; they allow people within the team to make many of the decisions and does not focus on the management aspect of his work .This works well when the team is highly capable, is motivated, and doesn't need close supervision. However, this behavior can arise because the leader is lazy or distracted; and this is where this style of leadership can fail.
Article: Clark, J. P. (2016). Organizational Change and Adaptation in the US Army. Retrieved from https://ssi.armywarcollege.edu/pubs/parameters/issues/Autumn_2016/6_Clark.pdf
If I was responsible for guiding the US Army, I would be incline to use transactional leadership, transformational leadership and servant leadership styles as the guiding principles for the organization. Effective military leaders should acquire characteristics of each leadership styles that were studied in the class.
Transactional Leadership
Transactional leaders seek mutually satisfying outcomes by providing clear directions while holding subordinates accountable for their actions. They remove the guesswork, by providing clear requirements of their subordinates, and the rewards that they get for following orders. The transactional leadership style upholds this mission through leaders who create dynamic relationships with subordinates.
Transformational Leadership
Transformational leaders are charismatic and motivational. They inspire with intellect, a direction which is needed for servicemen and women who find themselves in situations where critical thinking skills are key to their survival. Transformational leaders empower subordinates to make decisions, creating value and need within soldiers.
Servant Leadership
The servant leadership style in the military is effective because leaders embody the characteristics of servant leaders: empathy and acceptance, a sense of community and a calling to serve others.
As a leader, having the ability to elicit voluntary from followers will be crucial in my roles. As stated by Bass (1985), a leader, communicates high expectations, expresses the importance of the mission and the vision by instilling pride in oneself. It is through personal attention and by treating employees with respect .A part of leadership is reflected in the decisions made by leaders and the challenge to every leader at our facilities is to provide leadership consistent with these values.
Leaders have an important role within an organization related to its success, productivity, performance, work engagement, creativity and job satisfaction of the employees. Throughout the empowerment process, a leader would engage with followers and create a connection that increases the level of integrity in both the leader and the follower (Northouse, 2016).Leaders are the ones who empower people to discover and use their highest potential.