I was born and raised in Luton, England. Both my parents were born in England and both come from irish backgrounds, however have no trace of an irish dialect. In my home, we all have the Lutonian accent except from my mum who comes across as posh due to her job as a teacher. The typical Lutonian accent is the missing pronunciation of the letter 'T', for example. A good example of this is the pronunciation of the word "Luton": to most natives, it is said like "Lu'n", or for the word "water", we would pronouce it as "war'a".
During primary school, I was known as a difident girl, when communicating with people I would get really nervous, i feared silence and would get some type of speakers anxiety. This made me use fillers such as 'erm' and 'like' and hesistaions. I would use these fillers to give myself a short period of time to consider on what I'm going to say. Another reason for why I used fillers was to make the person I was having a conversation with take over and finish my sentence, as I am more of a listener than a talker. As I have gotten older, I have gained more confidence. I still use fillers (as you can see in my transcript) but I use them for holding the floor, I do not want to give 5+up my turn in speaking and instead want a little extra time to think about what I'm going to say next. I would use a “filler” to signal this.
I was accused of having a posh accent during primary school due to the fact i rarely use the slang that my peers used. Words such as 'sick' meaning good or 'peng' meaning nice/beautiful were not the