Professor XXX
Philosophy of Management
The philosophy of management that outlines my interpretation of a successfully managed organization or group focuses on my belief that every discussion and interaction between two or more individuals should consist of honesty, respect, and open communication. Specifically, when a manager is untruthful, disrespectful, and/or uncommunicative towards their employees, this cultivates an environment that lacks trust and productivity. Management, whether defined in terms of industry, organization, family unit, or government, is only as successful as the group it oversees. It has been proven that if management can foster a sense of belonging, cooperation, teamwork, and communication, the outcome will result in “high levels of productivity” which adds value to the organization (Kettner, 2002). Furthermore, permanent “maximum prosperity” can only be attained within an organization that consists of a management team that researches, communicates, and implements positive and creative ways to develop every individual within the business to their highest level (Taylor, 2003).
My philosophy of management supports the idea that each employee should be hired and advanced to perform at their maximum aptitude level. This objective can only be accomplished if management allows their employees to complete the tasks that are capable of performing. The assigned tasks should be based upon an employee’s acquired skills, along with their natural abilities. Management must be aware of the fact that their success lies in the high achievement of their employees. The theory of management that further supports and elaborates on the style of management that I incorporate into my organization is Elton Mayo’s Human Relations Theory. The Human Relations Theory reiterates the concept that social norms and subcultures within a group must be analyzed and acknowledged, in order for
References: Graham, P. (Ed.) (1995). Mary parker follett: prophet of management. Knoxville, IL: Beard Books. Kettner, P. M. (2002). Achieving excellence in the management of human service organizations. Boston: Allyn and Bacon. O 'Connor, E. (1999). "The politics of management thought: A case study of Harvard business school and the human relations school." Academy of Management Review 24(1): 117-131. Taylor, F. W. (2003). Scientific management. New York: Taylor & Francis.