The reason I had mentioned about my conversation with my mum over the phone because I believe biracial marriage is most of the time brings problem. Same thing is happening in my life right now, so I cannot step back from anybody, but anyway I need to find a good reasonable solution for this exiting problem. Problem is part of our human life, and we are facing several kinds of problem almost everyday. Some of our problem we can solve, but some we cannot find any solution for it, and we have to accept that result. I want to discuss one of my big problem, which is existing in my life, and I'll try to find a solution for that problem in several ways. I want to discuss how this existing problem effects socially, psychologically in my life, and I also use some example for backup my ideas.
I am going to San Bernardino Valley College from spring of '98. Already, I made lot of friend in campus. Some are from Russia, some from my country Vietnam, some are from Cambodia, and some are from Bangladesh. I have a very special friend who is from Bangladesh. She is a Muslim girl, but I am from a Buddhist family. I believe not