K-12 educational experience
a) My senior year of high school I did running start at Cascadia College. Doing running start really launched me into college and being there only made me feel more confident that I would be prepared for University the next year. Running start was a very positive experience for me because for the first time in my school career I was able to take classes that I had a genuine interest in, without having to worry about credits. After my first quarter I had completed all of my high school graduation requirements, so the classes I took were very impactful and out of the STEM field that I am usually in. It also made me more thankful for my education, since I was opting for those classes and professors. Moving forward, I plan on continuing school past a 4 year degree, so that I can go after my prefered career (doing research in behavioral neuroscience), I trust that when that time comes I will be ready, and I am glad to have that outlook on my life. …show more content…
I was in AP/Honors courses, playing Varsity soccer, volunteering at least 5 hours a week, and working part time. Although this was the most stressful time period of my life, it also helped me grow. I learned a lot about time management that year. Every year since then I find myself complaining less and less about school, because overall I know that I can handle it. Junior year I had the lowest GPA of my whole academic life, yet, I worked the hardest. So the lesson here was that GPA is not everything. I try my absolute best in school, but sometimes when I don’t quite hit the mark, I remember that the whole reason I am here is to learn, to improve, if I did not need that then I would already have a