• Union of myanmar is located in the western part of indo-china peninsula and the northeast into the law of the People's Republic of China, the northw est border with India, jar gallas, southeastern neig hbour to Laos, Thailand, southwest of the bay of B engal and the andaman sea.Area 6 7. 6 square kilo meters, is the area of the biggest home around In dochina, 3,200 km coastline.
• Myanmar to form a unified national 1 0 4 four years.1, 1, 2,
4 years 8 5 and 1 2 years 8 8 August 5 years the British colo nialists successively three times against Burma war, occupie d Burma entire territory by force, to Burma as a province of
British India.1 9 3 of 7 years from British India, ruled by the
British viceroy directly.1 May 4 2 years Japan's occupation o f Burma.4 5 years after the Japanese surrender, September
1 for British control.
• War of national liberation movement, 1 9 4 to 8 years on
January 4, myanmar from "commonwealth" declaration of i ndependence, union of myanmar.1 9 7 January 4 years to c hange name of socialist republic of union of myanmar.1 9 8
8 years on September 2, 3, change a name for the union of myanmar.1 9 5 June 8 0 years established diplomatic relatio ns with China.
• Burmese account for 5% of the 6, Karen (8%), shan
(7%), other qin, qin, lockyer, jar, Bob, if open and ot her ethnic minorities, and there are a few Indian na tionals, Chinese descent the Burmese people and ov erseas Chinese.The Irrawaddy and tin when river del ta the most densely populated.More than 80% of th e residents believe Buddhism.Burma is the official la nguage. The natural environment
Low high terrain north south.The terrain can be roughly three parts.A, the western mountain: for the north-south cent ral outstanding bow mountains, west most in 1008 meters ab ove sea level.Second, shan plateau: above
1,000-1,300 m.More deep valley plateau surface, ups and downs.Has a wide distribution of karst topography.Third, the I rrawaddy river valley, between