Using ADS1298
Arbab Shahid,Abdul Mannan ,Ali Zahab, HamzaAzam,Umar Shahbaz &Javeid Iqbal
National University of Science & Technogy (NUST) College of E&ME. Rawalpini Pakistan
Abstract: Prosthesis is an synthetic device that substitutes a missing body part. When a limb has been amputated, the motor and sensory nerves that used to serve it are still purposeful up to the point of amputation. If an interface can be made between these nerves and man-made electrical components, then the control signals that come from the brain to the limb could be used to control a mechanical auxiliary for the missing limb. The process uses active electrodes to get the signal from the muscles. Active electrodes contain a high input impedance electronics amplifier in the same housing as the detection surfaces. The amplifier used processes it to be measured using a Pico scope and interfaced on the computer. The voltage signal would be amplified and handled by the help of ADS-1298. This IC is fundamentally an ADC (24-bit) that processes the signal. The signal output from the ADC is then used to drive the motor.
Key words: EMG (Electro MYO Graph)
Prosthesis is an emerging field of bio-mechatronics which replaces the missing body part, lost during trauma or accident, using an artificial limb. It uses either the muscles or movement of the body parts to drive or assist motor control [1].
The key purpose of a prosthetic limb is to mimic the appearance and to replace the functionality of the missing hand. The beauty of the project is in creating a balance in managing the cosmetic appearance and functionality of the arm. As such, there is a wide spectrum of specialized prosthetics that range from the purely cosmetic (which are inert) to the primarily functional (whose appearance is obviously mechanical). The MYO Electric prosthetic limb is the technology which practically blends both the requirements of the prosthesis. It does not
References: Text* 1] Powered Upper Limb Prostheses: Control, Implementation and Clinical Application By Ashok Muzumdar. 2] Cram JR, Kasman GS. Introduction to surface electromyography. Aspen Publishers, Inc. Gaithersburg, Maryland, 1998 3] Important Factors in Surface EMG Measurement By Dr. Scott Day 4] Basmajian JV, De Luca CJ. Muscles Alive: their functions revealed by electromyography (fifth ed.). Williams & Wilkins, Baltimore, Maryland, 1985 5] Design oof artifical hands and arms for Prosthesis Aplications by Richard F.ff Weird Phd NorthWest University Ilinois Chicago. 6]