John Dewey was an American educator and philosopher. He helped develop the idea of pragmatism. He felt that children should explore and discover. “Dewey and other progressive followers suggested a curriculum for young children that focused on the situation and challenges that children faced as members of a democratic society” (Eliason & Jenkins pg. 5). Maria Montessori is best known for her teaching method that …show more content…
NAEYC position statements are their position to issues related to early childhood education. Some of the issues are: anti-discrimination, code of ethics, developmentally appropriate practice and early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation. “Naeyc’s first commitment is to the rights and interest to all children” (NAEYC.ORG). They believe that one should be hired on their competence and qualifications to perform their designated duties and that it should not be based on gender, race, national origin, religious beliefs, age, marital status, disabilities, or sexual orientation. The NAEYC code of ethics “offers guidelines for responsible behaviors and set fourth a common bias for resolving the principal ethical dilemmas encountered during early childhood care and education” (NAEYC.ORG). It also does not allow educators, doctors, and nurses to deny services to children. The developmentally appropriate practice is to “to promote excellence in early childhood education by providing a framework for best practices” (NAEYC.ORG). It promotes quality of care and education. The NAEYC “ constructs comprehensive systems of curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation guided by sound early childhood practices, effective early learning standards and program standards are a set of core principles …show more content…
353). Adding music to your curriculum is important because it helps children learn about different cultures as well as about their own culture. Through music they express their emotions and it helps them release their feelings. Depending on what music you are listening to it can either calm, or help soothe troubled feelings. It can help the children enhance their self worth. Music also helps with children’s listening skills, attention span, and their memory. Language and language concepts can also be developed through music. “Research supports the notion of the physical and psychological advantages of music on the body and mind” (Eialson & Jenkins pg. 354).
“Young children have a natural curiosity about the world, and this is where science education should begin” (Eialson & Jenkins pg. 237). Science should be taught as hands on learning, it should be a natural part of the everyday curriculum. “Language and literacy development are strongly supported when science activities are included throughout the curriculum” (Eialson & Jenkins pg. 239). Science is taught through observing, manipulating, problem solving, and engaging with science activities. They learn to classify, compare, define, measure, listen, ect. When they are learning