NVQ Childrens Care, Learning and Development STL22 Reflect on and develop practice(CCLD 304)
Please explain why reflection on practice and evaluation of personaleffectiveness is important
Reflecting and evaluating practice and personal effectiveness is importantand will help me in many areas of my work. Reflection is vital to my role andhelps me to evaluate and discuss any issues or problems and decide onchanges that can be made to overcome these. I regularly reflect mypractice and I am given many opportunities to discuss my thoughts andideas with my line manager. This helps me to identify areas of strength andweakness or skills needed as well as exploring the need
for further trainingor development. These all help me to become more effective in my role andbuild my confidence.Reflecting and evaluating on work practice can help me to improve the way Iwork. It is good practice to reflect on all areas of my work, including myrelationships with the children, teamwork skills, skills used to supportstaff and children, and also the way I interact with parents. Reflecting andevaluating my practice allows me the opportunity to improve on myrelationships not only with the children, but also with work colleagues andparents, which will of great benefit to the school. I evaluate my practicethrough feedback from members of staff I work with, especially my linemanager, and also from my NVQ assessor. Within the school year, eachmember of staff is observed by a colleague during the delivery of ateaching activity, and detailed feedback is promptly given. I also evaluatemy work practice after I have carried out any activities, and try to findways to overcome any weaknesses that I might have and improve mypractice.