Mitsu Butler
The context is:
In the NVQ Level 3 Patisserie and Confectionary class for mature students (over the age of 24 years). This week, the first part of the lesson was taught by the other student teacher, I supported the teacher and chefs in the kitchen. Next week, I will lead the first part of the lesson and use the other student teacher as support. The student-chef’s work was going to be assessed at the end of the day by the student teacher, our mentor and me. The student-chefs were expected to use genoise sponge to create a chocolate torte. The dessert had certain parameters that the chefs must meet in order to pass the assessment: correct plate, restaurant presentation, cake must …show more content…
Later in the day, when the other student-teacher in the class asked student-a to clean, student-a ignored the request. When I noticed the mess, I gave a quick general call out to the kitchen “whoever is working in this area needs to clean up”, and student-a ignored me. When our mentor came into the class to taste and assess the student-chef’s chocolate tortes, everyone, except student-a, had cleaned their benches. Our mentor told the group that we must keep the kitchen clean and no one can leave the class until we leave the kitchen as we find it. Student-b, then started to complain because she was tired of looking at the mess and didn’t think it was fair that we all had to stay in until student-a cleaned. Student-a still ignored the request to clean up, and the other student teacher cleaned her mess up for her so we could all go …show more content…
Student-a may feel she does not want to accept the rules and procedures of the kitchen/classroom. Polat and Farell 2002 stress the importance of establishing and maintaining a good relationship with all pupils so you can insulate against problematic behaviors. Both the new student teacher and I do not know student-a and she does not have a relationship or respect for either of us (Student-teachers) at this point. She may also feel the class routine has been disrupted with the arrival of two new student-teachers and she may want the mentor to spend more time in the