A nap is a miracle worker, you know that headache that you get every once in awhile that starts from the tip of your nose and goes all the way to the back of your head. And you can’t do anything but lay in the bed. But once you take a nap, and wake up your headache suddenly seems to be have vanished like a cat in the night. I BELIEVE IN NAPS BECAUSE THEY ARE MIRACLE WORKERS! PRAISE GOD FOR THE NAPS!! …show more content…
Not because anyone pissed me off, just because I woke on the wrong side of the bed with a bad ass attitude for no explainable reason at all. But it's okay because imma girl! But once I get it Cone Residence hall room 405, all my negative vibes just lift wake. And i’m sound a sleep in my bed until a car blows their stupid horn, and something is on freaking fire and all I hear is Weoo Weoo Beep Beep Weoo Weoo! And it doesn't even bother me! Nothing bothers me once I wake up from my nap. Waking up from a nap reassures me that everything is going to be