|The solution on the paper towel did not change in color even after exposure to bright light for 3 minutes.|…
Why buy an American made vehicles you ask? I’ll tell you why because buying American made vehicles creates American made jobs. Everyone knows that American made vehicle’s make a distinctive sound. Take for instance the Ford mustang and the Chevy corvette. Who doesn’t like the sound of these vehicles or design? A few things I will discuss about American made manufactures will be the quality they put forth in designing these vehicles, the job security it helps with in America and how American manufactures have now stepped up to the plate with their new innovated designs for the auto industry.…
These past couple months leading up to and after the 2016 presidential election I have been thinking about the impact effect of the electoral college. The electoral college is made up of the number of state members in the house of representatives and the number of state members in the senate. In Kansas we have 6 electoral college votes because we have 4 house of representatives and 2 senators. The electoral college was originally designed so each state could choose representatives to cast their states vote in the presidential elections. Now the electors are chosen by the political parties in the state.…
In my opinion napping is good. In source #2 paragraph #3, it states, “...unusual sleeping patterns that allowed them to work in a focused and creative way.” Many famous people take naps to relieve stress Which proves that napping makes people more focused and creative. In source #2 paragraph #5 it also states,”...Napping improved memory but not alertness.“ Napping helps people remember a lot more things.…
i) In theory, you can save 5-6 hours a day by taking six 20-30 minute naps every four hours and still feel as alert and rested as you would with a normal night of sleep.…
2. Ask the patient to breathe in and out through the nose as you observe and listen for air movement in and out of the nostril.…
According to research, little as a 24 minute nap helped improve someone's mental performance. With this said, it shows that even if someone gets a small nap of 30 minutes it can still help with their mental performance. This also shows that many researchers believe that if a person gets a nap below 1 hour than their brain performance will be better. In conclusion, a person who gets a nap that is less than 1 hour, will feel more energised than a person slept for more than 1 hour.…
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that banning sagging pants in Atlanta will help reduce indecent public display and the stereotype it gives men.…
d. These men and women come back from war and hope there country will be there to help them, but instead they turning away from vets leaving them on their own with no medicical help.…
ATTENTION GETTER: According to the online Merriam Webster Medical Dictionary, “Euthanasia: the act or practice of killing hopelessly sick or injured individuals (as persons or domestic animals) in a relatively painless way for reasons of mercy.”…
T.S. Now that you know what a nurse-to-patient ratio is, let me show you how it fits in the bill.…
something don't you? I fight for whats right no matter what it may be, any kind of threat that tries to…
PTSD or Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is a psychiatric disorder that can occur following the experience or witnessing of life-threatening events such as the military combat, natural disasters, terrorism incidents, or any major tragedy. This is common in the life of veterans and is the leading cause of suicide among veterans. A VA patient who survived in Baghdad shares his experience with PTSD and explains how he knew he had this disability. Many veterans speak out about this issue and describe their continuous anger, alcohol addiction, and constantly wanted to fight. They usually feel very isolated and distant from their loved ones. One patient states, “PTSD involves rocketing into extreme states of stress re-activity; in the form of terror, rage, and uncontrollable impulses, and plunging into equally extreme states of being shut-down—exhaustion, emotional numbing, despair, and dissociation”. PTSD is about having fear and anxiety, allowing veterans to rage with anger and different emotion. There are many factors to PTSD, which affects others in different ways; or example, using video games to keep them occupied, spending money due to the lack of impulse control because of changes in their brain, and even not obtaining another job.…
Attention Getter: I would like to start my presentation off by telling you all to ask yourselves a series of fairly straight forward questions. I want you to take a look at you’re, any hand and ask your selves “Who’s hand is this?” Do the same with your other hand, and now both legs and your arms if you would like. If I am not mistaking the answer to all your questions are mine right. They are your hands, legs, and arms. What I am trying to get through to you all today is that your body is your body and that a person should be able to profit of his or her own body if done in a safe and controlled way.…
iii. Head start - Finally many times upper level foreign language classes, such as some of the ones here at Kickapoo, can be dual-credit. A lot of colleges require a foreign language to graduate so this means not only can it help get you through the door.....but also out. You could fulfill your language requirement for your COLLEGE degree, before you even are in your freshman year.…