Painted in Spain between 1936 and 1937, this artwork retells the story of the tragic fate of Narcissus and Echo. To the left of a group of dancing women is Narcissus kneeling in, as well as looking down into, the pool of water that is too dark to reflect his own image. His face, the cause of his vanity, self-absorption and self-reflection, is unseen; instead the viewer sees only the top of his head and its distinctive hairline. The resting of Narcissus’s head on his knee obscures his view of his own image, and the fact that his face cannot be directly seen by the viewer, may suggest that Narcissus is manifested in a different form by the flower of the same name. To the right of Narcissus is the form of a hand holding an egg that Narcissus has metamorphosed into that adopts exactly the same form and posture. Narcissus's form is reflected vertically in the water and horizontally by the hand. All limbs in Narcissus’s body become fingers in the hand; and Narcissus’s head transformed into a flower-bearing egg; the crack in the egg matching Narcissus’s hairline and very subtly echoed in the trees in the rocks in the upper left-hand and upper-right corners. There is a statue that is standing on a pedestal in the middle of a chess board. The statue is of a man and he is peering up into the mountains in the top right
Painted in Spain between 1936 and 1937, this artwork retells the story of the tragic fate of Narcissus and Echo. To the left of a group of dancing women is Narcissus kneeling in, as well as looking down into, the pool of water that is too dark to reflect his own image. His face, the cause of his vanity, self-absorption and self-reflection, is unseen; instead the viewer sees only the top of his head and its distinctive hairline. The resting of Narcissus’s head on his knee obscures his view of his own image, and the fact that his face cannot be directly seen by the viewer, may suggest that Narcissus is manifested in a different form by the flower of the same name. To the right of Narcissus is the form of a hand holding an egg that Narcissus has metamorphosed into that adopts exactly the same form and posture. Narcissus's form is reflected vertically in the water and horizontally by the hand. All limbs in Narcissus’s body become fingers in the hand; and Narcissus’s head transformed into a flower-bearing egg; the crack in the egg matching Narcissus’s hairline and very subtly echoed in the trees in the rocks in the upper left-hand and upper-right corners. There is a statue that is standing on a pedestal in the middle of a chess board. The statue is of a man and he is peering up into the mountains in the top right