Compose a rough draft of an essay on the topic of returning to school. Next week, you will study specific techniques for narrative writing. You may read ahead if you wish. However, this week you are only required to practice the strategies in Chapters 3 and 4 of your text Essentials of College Writing.
Based on your readings, choose a topic and develop a focus for your essay. Follow the “Structure of the Paper” section in Chapter 3 and the steps of the writing process in Chapter 4 to create a first draft of your essay. In the essay, you may explore issues regarding why you decided to return to school, the benefits of your college degree, changes in your lifestyle required for you to pursue your degree, obstacles to successful completion of your degree program, strategies you will use to overcome these obstacles, or any other subject related to your educational pursuits.
Before writing the draft, generate ideas for the paper by using one of the techniques such as listing, preparing an outline or tree chart, brainstorming, freewriting, or mind mapping, discussed in Chapter 4. (Your notes or outline will not be submitted.)
Your draft must meet the following requirements: * Your ideas must be in paragraph form. * Write the draft as a personal story about returning to school. * The draft must be spell checked and, at this point, be between one and one-half and two pages in length. * The draft must have a title page prepared in APA style, as shown in the sample paper in the Ashford Writing Center within the Writing Resources tab.
Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.
Compose a rough draft of an essay on the topic of returning to school. Next week, you will study specific techniques for narrative writing. You may read ahead if you wish. However, this week you are only required to practice the strategies in Chapters 3 and 4 of your text Essentials of College