A couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, I was talking to my mom late at night when she had finally left work. I was sharing to her some interesting things I learn in my science class.
“Did you know that? Isn’t that so interesting!” I pester her, not expecting an answer.
“Well, yeah. I did went to high school,” she reply.
Boy, was I shook! I never expected it.
Then, me being …show more content…
But when she was about 13, her family left her in China and went to Hong Kong. That country allow my grandmother to bring only two kids and out of the three, she decide to pick my mom’s older sister and brother. Though my mom stay with my great-grandmother and thankfully not alone, every time I thought about how my grandmother have not choose her to came along made me cringe.I will never admit this out loud, but I know that if it were me I will not be able to adjust in living without my parents.
Then, a couple of years later, my grandparents immigrated to America with their children with an extra member add. During the years in Hong Kong, my grandmother have gotten pregnant with my uncle. It tears me up that my mom was not physically there when he was born. She had missed the start of her brother’s life. Is that normal?
After my grandparents, my aunt and uncles have finally settle down in America, they decide to send my mom in, too.
Life in America wasn’t so easy for my mom. She have no knowledge about neither the english language, the culture or even how to interact with her family that she have not seen in so long. Not to mention how she was forced to grow up and be independent to help support her family. Maybe it’s her own way of trying to prove to them that she isn’t a