In the 1970's, projects led by linguists and educationalists such as Wilkinson [1965,] Vygotsky [1978,] and Bruner and Bruner [1986,] recognised the importance of oracy in the primary classroom. It was not until The National Oracy Project; [1987-1993,] that the National Curriculum finally advocated the need for speaking and listening to be an essential part of the National Curriculum for English.' Corden [2000, p1.] It represented a third of English in the National curriculum alongside reading and writing. However, in 1998 the National Literacy Strategy Framework [NLSF,] was implemented as a statutory requirement in England and as optional material in Wales. The framework focused on reading and writing, …show more content…
The interactive whiteboard was used in every lesson I observed and I saw individual whiteboards being used when introducing adverbs to the class. Whole class discussion was a feature of all lessons which promotes collaborative learning in which pupils are active participants...' Howe, [1997, p13.] I also witnessed the use of talk partners in a language lesson which can give children an opportunity to think things through,' Grugeon [2005, p90.] In this example, the pupils discussed with their partners how a character in the book might feel giving them time to formulate their thoughts before feeding back to the