Course Number: DEP-2004
|Description |
|To conduct observations is an important part of studying human development. Select a subject to watch either (not a family member) |
|at a mall, playground, daycare, school, library, etc. You should observe the subject for at least 30 minutes without interrupting |
|them. Prior to the observation, the subject should not be made aware of your study. Once done, you can disclose the purpose of |
|your project. These are the same instructions for both observations. |
|Requirement |
|The subject you select should be between 0-18 years of age. You must follow APA ethical guidelines. |
|Content |
|The following points need to be address on your report: |
|Demographics (age, race, sex etc.) |
|Appearance (clothing, approximate height and weight and other defining characteristics) |
|Physical Development |
|Cognitive Development (Piaget’s stages - which stage?) |
|Emotional and Social Development (Erickson’s stages - which stage?) |
|Does the