There she is surrounded by her family who helps her cope with this process. Their marriage was officially on the rocks. Her family and co-workers are left to feel some empathy for her, to define 'Empathy is defined as putting yourself in another person's shoes or imagining another person's thoughts, feelings, and perspectives' (Bevan, J. L., & Sole, K. (2014). Making Connections: Understanding interpersonal communication …show more content…
She realizes her husband is using deception which is when we intentionally encode messages that encourage information or beliefs that are contrary to the truth (Burgoon, Guerrero, & Manusov, 2011). Sometimes we feel we have to be deceptive to our significant others for them to see us the same way even if we are not. Jake realizes that he has screwed up his marriage and is continuously trying to communicate with Elle.
When faced with the deceit Elle feels as if she needs closure as most people do when they have faced deception in a relationship. She was searching for a truth bias in her husband Jake, which means that we enter into interactions with others believing that they are going, being honest with us. We believe that being deceptive is a violation of implied rules of both relationships and conversations (Aune, Ching, & Levine,