
Nco of Marines

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Nco of Marines
What does ot mean to me what a marine NCO is

First off i would like to state a well known quote known by all Marines, "Non Commissioned Officers (NCO's) are the backbone of the United States Marine Corps." Without the NCO's the Marine Corps could not function. This quote alone holds a great deal of history as well as gives a brief discription of what a Marine NCO truely is.

NCO's execute all orders and lead their fellow Marines. An NCO will go out of his or her way in order to aid, or take care of their junior Marines. An NCO is looked up to by junior marines for guidance, and duties they need to carry out every day, and as a leader it is important not to give orders you would not follow yourself, and to have your junior Marines accomplish the mission not because you told them too but because they want too.

An NCO is like a father figure in a way, teaching junior Marines what they need to know in order to better themselves and make good decisions so that one day when they become an NCO they can look back and be like the NCO who tought them. As an NCO, we have to set standards for others to emulate and strive to be the best and surpass our leaders. NCO's are the embodiment of honor, courage and commitment.

An NCO holds the legacy of the firm, fair, and just leader our corps holds so near and dear to its heart. NCO's keep that alive by upholding the history and traditions set forth by the marines befor them, and is one of many traditions that sets Marine NCO's and the rest of the fleet aside from other branches of service. NCO’s are taught to follow the traditions of the past.

NCO's know that trust and respect is equally important from both the NCO to his subordinates, and from his subordinates. An NCO has to trust as well as respect others and be trusted and respected by others because they are the ones that are going to lead and work with the younger Marines. NCO's need to make it so subordinates trust the NCO to take care of them when they have a

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