In my opinion, what truly defines you, is not the neighborhood you come from but the overall type of person you are, spiritually, and to define your spirit you must take a closer look at the factors that make up your character. These factors include the morals you were raised with, experiences and how hard you are willing to succeed and let yourself be happy regardless of your background.
In another article titled “How Much Does Your Neighborhood Define Who You Are?” The …show more content…
I was taught to always be kind, don't judge other people and to live my life and not let the opinions of other people define who I am or affect how I live my life in any way shape or form. These morals were taught to me by my parents but if because of the person I am naturally, I was able to learn these morals and grow with them. My parents raised me, not my neighborhood. I did not learn to be the person I am from the neighborhood I grew up in. I learned to be the person I am by, adapting to the morals my parents raised me with. I have learned that to be succesfully happy in my life, I need to avoid letting materialistic things in my life define the person I know I am and to stay true to my moral