The Development of New Imperialism Imperialism refers to the domination over subject lands in a larger world. A wide range of motives encouraged European peoples to launch campaigns of domination, conquest, and control. In modern times, the term colonialism means the settlement of colonists in new lands, but it also has to do with the political, social, economic, and cultural structures that play a role in enabling imperial powers to dominate subject lands. One way for the development of new imperialism was through political means. Imperialist’s held that is was crucial, for political and military reasons, to maintain the colonies even if they were not economically beneficial. Some overseas colonies occupied sites on the
The Development of New Imperialism Imperialism refers to the domination over subject lands in a larger world. A wide range of motives encouraged European peoples to launch campaigns of domination, conquest, and control. In modern times, the term colonialism means the settlement of colonists in new lands, but it also has to do with the political, social, economic, and cultural structures that play a role in enabling imperial powers to dominate subject lands. One way for the development of new imperialism was through political means. Imperialist’s held that is was crucial, for political and military reasons, to maintain the colonies even if they were not economically beneficial. Some overseas colonies occupied sites on the