exploration a. exploration origins of european expansion exploration b. consequences encounter a. conquistadors had superior weapons/guns & horses b. native american populations quickly shrank
c. death due to diseases brought by europeans spanish empire a. financed by gold and silver from americas b. natives: died from diseases brought by the spanish some converted to christianity some resisted by the spanish control colonies spanish empire -appointed viceroys to rule american province/ areas - council on the indies – set rules & monitored activities catholic - spanish empire a. colonies could only trade with spain b. conquistadors were given encomiendas
c. allowed to force native americans to work
- in mines
- on plantations reaction to empire a.some priests condemned system b native americans begam to die from terrible conditions c.americans brought to replace them
colonial society & culture a. indian african, spanish c cultures blend social classes -peninsulares – spanish born -creoles- american born/ spanish parents -mesitizos and mullatoes- natives
other european countries a. smuggles/ pirates from other european countries traded illegally with colonists b. pirates seized spanish portuguese ships genocide? New world -30 m native people -1492 death toll lowest estimate- 90% end of the 17th century
10% killed by fighting
struggle for noth america north america canada- french eastern us- english mexico & so. Us – spain
french in canada a- french began exploring coast of canada while fishing
1534- jacques cartier discovered st. lawrence river c- claimed eastern canada for france
missionaries & traders a-fur traders b-operated in area & down mississippi river to gulf of mexico
1608- 1st permanent french settlement at quebec
english colonies
a. john cabot/ english claimed newfoundland -1497 b england established