| |Exceeds Standard |Above Standard |At Standard |Below Standard |
| |(≈ “A”) |(≈ “B”) |(≈ “C”) |(≈ “D”-“F”) |
|Focus |The essay is clearly focused around a creative|The essay is clearly focused around a creative|The essay is focused around a central |There is no clear central thesis/message, or |
| |and insightful central thesis/message. The |and insightful central thesis/message. There |thesis/message. Parts of the essay might stray|the focus is split across a variety of topics |
| |writer lays out clear reasons/points that |are several interesting points that support |from this focus, but the overall message is |in a way that works against a specific focus. |
| |contribute to the overall central |it. One place may wander a bit or need more |there. The focus of the essay might be |The overall point might be unclear, confusing,|
| |thesis/message. Everything in the essay |development, but otherwise the focus is clear |simplistic or obvious—it might be hard for the|or the writer might indicate a focus, but |
| |contributes to the development of the message.|and interesting |reader to feel engaged. |little in the essay supports this focus. |