Multimedia research and writing
January 17, 2013
Nice Guys Always Finish Last
Nice guys is a term in the popular culture and general public discourse describing a male, young or adult, with friendly yet unassertive personality traits in the context of a relationship with a woman. Nice guy is said to be who puts their interest aside and out others first, avoids confrontation, does favors, gives emotional support, tried to stay out of trouble and generally be nice towards women. Although many people would agree with the generalization of “nice guys always finish last” I would disagree and side with nice guys because bad guys may get the girls and sleep around but in the end of the day they end up with the nice guy.
There is a discrepancy between preference and the actual action of women in choices in men. They say that they want “nice guys” but in reality, they go for “bad boys” or “jerks” in the end. Stephan Desrochers claims, in a 1995 article in the journal Sex Roles, that many "sensitive" men, based on personal experience, do not believe women actually want "nice guys". (Desrochers, 1995). And Urbaniak & Kilmann write that, "Although women often portray themselves as wanting to date kind, sensitive, and emotionally expressive men, the nice guy stereotype contends that, when actually presented with a choice between such a 'nice guy' and an unkind, insensitive, emotionally-closed, 'macho man' or 'jerk,' they invariably reject the nice guy in favor of his 'so-called' macho competitor." (Urbaniak & Kilmann, 2003). They all both say that what they want and what they actually do is totally different. Women say they want “nice guys” but they want nice guys to be attractive, well built but those guys are either taken or jerks. Then they go for the jerks, who are attractive and challenge themselves to make them to become nice guys but that rarely happens.
Nice guys do not always finish last. The difference is how