They forages in the flight, hunting over the places such as the open country, rice fields and cultivated areas (Wilkinson, 2009). There is a study that mentioned the common name of nightjar is originated from the loud jarring or ‘churring’ call of the male which contain more than 1900 notes per minute (Handboook of the Birds of the World, 2014). A coo-ik call is also given out in a flight (Handboook of the Birds of the World, 2014). Call is a whistled “tut, wee-ow” given in flight (Durham, 2015). There is a special uniqueness of this species too, where the breeding seasong for this bird is different and changes according to the the country. For example, nightjar in Peninsula Malaysia will breed in the month of January to July whereas the same species of this at Sumatra will only breed in the month of October to November (Durham, …show more content…
Throughout this five weeks of experiment we manage to catch a total of 7 different species of birds. The last species that we caught is the Green Broadbill on the 11th of October 2015. The scientific name of this Green Broadbill is Calyptomena viridis (Wells, 2013). Green Broadbill species of bird belongs to the family of Eurylaimidae.ccording to the IUCN the conservation stauts of this bird is described a species that is in a situation of near threatenend because of their continuos loss of habitat (Wells, 2013). The Green Broadbill is the smallest bird in the category of