The SmartStack initiative has passed the VDI approval program in which testing demonstrated that their stockpiling program has met the characterized VDI stockpiling workload (Nimble Storage Solutions, 2016).
The company’s mission was to give its “customers the industry’s most efficient flash storage platform.” In order to better identify which staffing is best fit for Numble’s Storage company we must better understand the four cultural concepts of ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, or geocentric. Ethnocentric “involves staffing the most important positions in the foreign subsidiaries with expatriates from company’s home country”. Expatriates are selected from the current companies country and then transferred to the companies international countries allowing a balance between the home and external countries. Often more than not it can be more expensive to hire expatriates as there is more cost involved oppose to hiring an employee in the international country. Polycentric, “A company will hire host-country nationals for positions in the company from mail …show more content…
The company does align to be considered a global company as it has staffing in over 18 countries in the world with plans to continue to expand. The company also uses a system that is seemless and intergratible in their different locations. The system that Nimble utilizes in their location is called Workday. The system is a cloud-based sytem that has mobile capibilties and it is based on the audience served, with the vision of “getting the system as close to best-in-class as possible” Also, Bahrami (2015) stated, “hiring the right people is so important to us that we think managers should get involved in the hiring process early rather than later… Even if someone is performing well in their jobs but is doing so to the detriment of the organization, then that’s not what we want and you will not survive