He two pigs prioritized pooh because they were both too focused on getting free time that they constructed their homes quickly and used weak material. The third pig represented hard work and had his priorities straightened out, unlike the two other pigs. The third pig was determined to build a strong house not just to sleep in, but made sure he was safe inside and away from the wolf. The third pig always thought outside of the box and thought about the danger and how to keep him safe. The two other pigs didn't think like the third pig …show more content…
Instead it was two brothers and one sister, the sister was the third pig. In this reading like the original story the first pig had his house built out of straws, the second one built with wooden sticks and the third made out of bricks. Another difference with these pigs were they saw the wolf as a bully and was tired of his actions. So as a result they took it upon themselves to register in ninja school to learn ways to fight and defeat the wolf. The first pig took aikido classes which is described as a self defense class that utilizes the wrist, joint and elbow grips to immobilize or throw ones …show more content…
The wolf doesn't end up eating the pigs. Although he blows their house down, all three pigs run away and the get into a new world. They are stuck trying to find the right story and world they belong in. In one story a cat follows them and also a dragon who brings along a gold rose. Once they got the right pictures the friends that they make with the dragon and cat accompany the pigs. The put the pictures together so they can go back to their world. The wolf in the picture threatens to blow down the third pigs house down, even though it is made of brick. As the story comes back to life all the characters are able to get back to the story of the three little pigs.
Jon Scieszka: true story of the 3 little pigs the story starts off by questioning the audience about the traditional three little pig story. the story also assures us that their is more to the story than what we really know.the story is told through the perspective of the wolf and his name is Alexander T. Wolf, but he tells the audience to call him Al. The story also incorporates new characters like his