Due to our affiliation with DHMC, the NLH team has had to contend with new deadlines, demands for data and additional reporting to consolidate information and report in ways that are often different from our traditional models. As this relationship matures, the need for integration becomes even more paramount, inadvertently causing new stress and problems related to integration of information. Amy’s …show more content…
She provides historical data and projections based on service line analysis to help guide revenue generating departments on their respective budgets. She works closely with the CFO and Accounting department through-out the budget process.
Currently Amy is working on the Medicare Cost Report, which is without question the most important report that NLH will complete over the course of the year. This report can account for multi-million dollar changes to the Organization’s bottom line. It contains numerous schedules and reconciliations, often tedious in nature, but required by Medicare. Attention to detail is of the utmost importance as this report will be audited by numerous governmental agencies.
I shudder to think what might happen without Amy and her continued efforts. There is no doubt that our bottom line is positively influenced by all of her work. Amy is a salaried employee; she receives no additional compensation for her countless hours, yet does so without complaint. Amy has missed out on many aspects of her life and her family time, which can never be repaid. I would ask that the committee to consider these factors in determining her excellent performance bonus and show her the appreciation that she is truly deserving