By the President of the United States of America Gerald R. Ford.
The United States withdrew the last of its forces from the Republic of Vietnam on March 28, 1973.
In the period of its involvement in armed hostilities in Southest Asia, the United States suffered great losses. Millions served their country, thousand died in combat, thousand more were wounded, others are still listed as missing in action.
Over a year after the last American combatant had left Vietnam, the status of thousands of our countrymen --convicted, charged, investigated or still sought for violations of the Military Selective Service Act or of the Uniform Code of Military Justice – remain unresolved.
In furtherance of our national commitment to justice and mercy these young Americans should have the chance to contribute a share to the rebuilding of peace among ourselves and with all nations. They should be allowed the opportunity to earn return to their country, their communities, and their families, upon their agreement to a period of alternative service in the national interest, together with a acknowledgement of their allegiance to the country and its Constitution.
Desertion in time of war is major, serious offense; failure to respond to the country’s call for duty is also a serious offense. Reconciliation among our people does not require that these acts be condoned. Yet, reconciliation calls for an act of mercy to bind the Nation’s wounds and to heal the scars of divisiveness.
Now, Therefore, I, Gerald R. Ford, President Of the United States, pursuant to my powers under the Article II, Sections 1, 2 and 3 of the Constitution, do hereby proclaim a program to commence immediately to afford reconciliation to Vietnam era draft evaders and military deserters upon the following terms and conditions:
Draft Evaders – An individual who allegedly unlawfully failed under the