“No For Compulsory Military Service in ****.” That is the name of the campaign I leaded in ***** to end forcing **** males to serve in the military for a period of time right after their graduation. In some countries, such as *** and ****, capable citizens are required by law to serve in the military for a period of time. But in some other countries, like Germany and the United States, serving in the military is optional and is considered a job like any other job with a salary and benefits. In the countries that require citizens to serve in the military, usually militaries don’t give enough salaries to the conscripts and don’t even treat them humanly, because they know that those conscripts will do the military service no matter what as it is required by law, which opens the door for many human rights violations. On the contrary, the militaries of the countries that apply optional military service laws, are committed to humanly treat their men of arms, and to guarantee their rights in order to encourage many citizens to join the military. Some people support the idea of forcing citizens to serve in the military as they think it’s a way to prove the citizens’ patriotism. On the other hand, many people believe that military service should be optional in order to respect human rights and freedoms. In my opinion, compulsory military service should be ended all over the world for many reasons.
First, there are many capable citizens who are pacifists and cannot join the military for spiritual and ideological reasons. Pacifists are those people who believe in peace, and refuse to hold any kind of weapon for any reason. And if someone forced them to do so, it would be a severe abuse for them. Pacifists also believe that there should not be any armies in order to end wars and violence all over the world. So, it’s impossible for them to join any military foundation as they refuse to participate in spreading those wars and violence. I