-Don’t try and make your spouse something/ someone they simply are not. I have given up expecting certain things from Melissa. After many years of arguments I’ve realized there are certain things about my spouse that no matter how many silent treatments I subject her to- she will not change her stance. This is something I wished I would’ve known- that people don’t and won’t change the essence of who they are- so either you accept them or you spend years in frustration. Case in point: I am a runner, Melissa is not an exerciser. This was a big point of contention for us- until I decided Melissa is a grown woman and needs to make the decision to get and stay healthy for herself- and no amount of prodding on my part- or chastising her for eating an extra helping of waffles is going to get her change. See these were things I didn’t know when I was 40 and young and in love- but just a little stupid.
-Try to avoid situations that cause conflict. Perfect example of this- Melissa and I used to go grocery shopping together and the fights that ensued over our different shopping styles were legendary- let’s just say there were quite a few dramatic exits involved. So now 14 years later- Melissa gives me her list