Communication is the transfer of information from one person to another which could be in the forms of written, oral or non verbal communication. The Non verbal communication plays in important role in defining the status of relationship between the employee and employer. Often the message conveyed in a non verbal communication is in the forms of gestures and action of the individual. There is a lot of information that are conveyed in between lines that a manager needs to understand to capitalise productivity of the employee. Basic understanding shows there are few facets that can be seen in a non verbal communications. G.W. Porter divides non verbal communication to four categories. There are physical, aesthetic, signs and symbolic.
Physical is a personal type of communications. It includes facial expressions, tone of voice, sense of touch, sense of smell and body motions. An employer and manager ability to utilise the non verbal communication to understand if the employee understands the command or instruction given. The physical personal reaction provides signal and cues to communicate the firms’ interest and agendas to the employees and vice versa. These gestures are important aspect of our lives. Most of the gestures of expressing ourselves are often unconscious. However, the meaning of each reaction can be very different across cultures, education and income level. Most gestures made by employees will send a message to the employer as a acceptance stanza.
Some people can also be aesthetic is the way they communicate. These individual are creative in expressing their inner thoughts and ideas. This is interestingly a dimension creative level. An employee will try to express their joy, frustration, anger, happiness, gratitude through playing instrumental music, dancing, painting, sculpturing and sports. A manager need to be sensitive to the needs of the employees to allow the creativity of these employees are penetrated