After thirteen hours in the operating room, the surgery was a success. There were smiles and collective sighs of relief, both here and there. Our little girl was going to be all right. The reprieve lasted a day or two. Fevers, irregular heartbeat, a delay in coming out of the coma, taking her off the ventilator--putting her back on the ventilator, possible repercussion from six hours on the heart-lung machine and powerful medications. Our emotions
After thirteen hours in the operating room, the surgery was a success. There were smiles and collective sighs of relief, both here and there. Our little girl was going to be all right. The reprieve lasted a day or two. Fevers, irregular heartbeat, a delay in coming out of the coma, taking her off the ventilator--putting her back on the ventilator, possible repercussion from six hours on the heart-lung machine and powerful medications. Our emotions