All that is fair is not equal because people have to sit by themselves.In middle school you can sit at any table so if you have no friends you will sit alone If you're a kid with no friends you sit at lunch being sad and no one will be your friend because you have none.If you force people to sit with someone they will not talk at all.But if you say set up a site where you put in your interests and it pairs you with someone with the same interests that …show more content…
All that is fair is not equal because people have disabilities. My friend’s sister has disabilities so she sometimes has to be pushed around in a stroller.It is not fair because she can’t walk around a look wherever she wants.In an article it says”I have to read in a big black and white book when my classmates get beautiful color filled books”It is not fair because he clearly can see color but can’t gave a colored book.I think disabilities are not fair but there is an equal opportunity to get them.
So those were my reasons why all that is fair is not equal.So what is your opinion? There can be many sides to the question.There are many more reason why like jobs and sports.So that is it for this