Tutor: Adam Booth Assignment No: 1 of 2
Title: The impact of war and conflict on UK Public Services.
IV’d before Date issue by: Mark Wilson IV’d: 17/1/14
Date Date
Issued: W/C 23/02/15 Due: W/C 16/03/15
Feedback due: W/C 13/04/15
Student Name: .................................................................
Outcomes and Assessment Criteria Covered
Assessment Criteria
1. Know the impact of war and conflict on UK public services.
Describe the causes of war and conflicts.
Describe the impact of conflict on UK public services.
Analyse the impact of war and conflict on one UK public service.
Assessment Criteria - Achieved To Date
This assignment is submitted as partial fulfilment of this unit.
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Understand the Impact of War, Conflict and Terrorism on Public Services
Assignment 1
As a war and conflict correspondent for a public service journal, you have been asked to create a poster and fact sheet on the impact of war and conflict on UK public services. The poster is to be included in next month’s ‘special edition’ for students.
Task 1: Poster
Working alone, produce a poster that describes the causes and impacts of war and conflict on UK public services. Present a balanced view in your response
Task 2: Fact sheet
Working alone, create a factsheet that expands upon the content of your poster and analyses the impact of war and conflict on one UK public service.