We wanted to change the academic behavior of the students by providing explicit learning goals with our math instruction. From previous experience and reflection, we discovered visual goals were not sufficient for teacher and student application. Upon this reflection, we implemented explicit goal instruction by reciting the goals using actions, movement, and chants before each math lesson. When the learning targets were communicated and modeled by the teacher, students were more engaged in the learning process and Along with explicit instruction, we decided to create goal folders for assessments and one-on-one student teacher conferencing. Our purpose of the folders was to connect their goals to their academic achievement (Martin, Elliot, 2015). Not only do learning targets help the students understand what they are learning, they both help the students and teachers more precisely assess what is required for mastery and when mastery is reached (Konrad, 2014). …show more content…
In what ways does explicit teaching of math learning targets affect the ability of kindergarten students to reach individual learning goals?
2. In what ways does explicit teaching of math learning targets affect the ability of kindergarten students to explain what they are