Nuclear weapons are the only type of weapon in existence that have the capacity to annihilate the human species and countless other species. Weapons are a problem with the catholic tradition as they go against the catholic virtue of peace and should be banned. The catholic virtue of peace is completely thrown away when it comes to nuclear weapons as they show anger and violent towards people and that’s not what it is about. If nuclear weapons were to be banned it would prevent death, avoid war and also reduce the risk of terrorism towards countries. i will also talk about the pros and cons of nuclear weapons.
War is one of the biggest problems in the world today. Nuclear weapons add a even bigger threat when it comes to the word war. Not knowing what can come next can be the biggest fear. The just war theory explains that if one is to go to war it must comply with the philosophical, religious or political criteria. Which means they need to take into mind the innocents of people that have not done wrong. The priority is to protect the innocent lives, which can be hard to do when a nuclear bomb is set off. The banning of nuclear bombs would support the catholic virtue as it is less violent and anger shown and also with the just war theory as it is still thinking of the innocents of the people around those who have sinned and made mistakes. Getting rid of Nuclear weapons can lead to less harmful wars and hopefully lead to no wars at all as it says in the just war theory war should be a last resolution you should try to Find peace and justice before rather then after all the horrible conflict that can lead to the tragedy of nuclear weapons.
Furthermore the threat of terrorism with use of nuclear weapons can be horrifying to think that a something so big can be destroyed in seconds with the use of one evil weapon. Banning these weapons can be good and bad in a sense. The good in banning them is that there is no more threat of it happing and the world be a more peaceful sacred place to be. But the bad being that is there going to be someone out there that is willing to make more nuclear weapons to be used against the law and used in the act of terrorism. This is where trust can be brought in and can show that not everyone may agree with this as if terrorist are able to get there hands on them illegally what is the rest of the world meant to come back with. Nuclear terrorism goes against the catholic virtue again as it shows violence towards innocent people that have done nothing wrong and are doing it out of pure evil and not looking for peace and justice in life.
Banning nuclear weapons can have pros and cons. The pros being as listed above as it can prevent death, reduce the risk of terrorism. Banning the Nuclear weapons will go with the catholic virtue and the just war theory and get rid of the violence and anger shown towards innocent human beings. Where now there would be more peace in the world. The cons of banning is that radiation can be a cure of cancer if it is in the right hands but then if it gets into the wrong hands radiation can destroy cities in seconds. These weapons can be the saviour of mankind and can wipe out enemies and can be the answer to dealing with terrorism. But then the effects of nuclear weapons can be seen for decades after the more weapons that are made then the more risk there is towards humans. To keep a nuclear weapon safe costs lots of money from countries defence forces.
Thus this bring me to my conclusion on why nuclear bombs should be destroyed and the threat that they can show to mankind and how they go against all that is said in the just war theory and the catholic virtue about making a more peaceful and just place to live in.