Nucleolus is a small dense small dense spherical structure in the nucleus of a cell during interphase.
The nucleolus is located inside the nucleus in the category eukaryotic cells. The nucleolus make ribosomal subunits from proteins and ribosomal RNA, here is a fun fact RNA could be also called rRNA.Ribosome makes proteins and nucleolus makes proteins inside a cell .
A ribosomes they have two category, one is the large the other is the small. Each subunit is separately from nucleolus. Nucleolus is inside the nucleus and it takes up 25% of the volume inside of the nucleus.It can makes DNA which it makes RNA also know as rRNA and with that it makes proteins. The Eukaryotic cell, ribosomes has four types of RNA, the 5S, 5.8S, 18S, and 28S rRNA. …show more content…
The process to make Ribosome use chloroplast and nucleolus of the eukaryotic cell. One interesting thing that nucleolus is found in a animal cell and a plant cell.
Some fun facts about nucleolus is that the nucleolus is inside the nucleus, and it is in a category of eukaryotic cell. Another fact is that there are many species that there is many nucleoli in the nucleus, and for some plants the nucleoli do not disappear during the mitosis they sometimes remain or sometimes they disappeared. The nucleolus carries out about 50% RNA that takes place in cells.
The NOR ( Nucleolus Organizer Region) is a place where a cell formation of the nucleolus takes a chromosomes. A NOR mean A region of a chromosome where nucleoli form during interphase. The Nor has a circle shape that it is surrounded by filaments called pars fibrosa (PF). Fibrosa is a dissuade on the bone. The PF is formed by transcribed ribosomal