Annemarie and Ellen raced to the corner of Ostenborg, with Annemarie’s little sister, Kirsti, pouting behind them. Until, they were suddenly interrupted by two German soldiers. One soldier asked why she and Ellen were running, and the other asked them if they were good students. Kirsti, being her usual obstinate self, resisted when the soldier, who had a long neck, tried to touch her hair. After being told to go home, Annemarie and Ellen headed for the apartment. Kirsti had already chirped to her mother about the two soldiers while Mrs. Rosen and her were having “coffee”. Anxious, Mrs. Johansen asked Annemarie what happened. Annemarie told her mother what happened in a different way than Kirsti to not frighten her more. Mrs. Rosen told her to stay hidden, and Mrs. Johansen told them to go a different way, even though there were soldiers on every corner. Which concludes Chapter one. …show more content…
Annemarie began telling a story about a king, a queen, and their beautiful daughter. Kirsti asked if it was in Amalienborg, which Annemarie said no to. Annemarie made up the tale as she went, telling the story until Kirsti fell asleep. Then, Annemarie's thoughts drifted off to the real king, King Christian X. She remembered how her sister, Lise, would take her to stand on the sidewalk to wave at King Christian as he rode through the streets of Copenhagen every morning on his horse, Jubilee. But, King Christian was still alive, however, Lise was not. And she also remembered the memory of her father telling her about the German soldier who asked who was the man that rides past