Children start to use mathematical words very soon after they start talking. It is all part of development of mathematical concepts. Adults will often say “how big?” and the child learns very quickly that this is rewarded by smiles and positive encouragement when they raise their arms. Gradually, other ideas are introduced and positively reinforced, particularly at times of relaxation and when the child has the full attention of their parent/carer. Meal times are valuable for for this type of learning - “One more spoonful”, “All gone”, “Nearly empty” are all phrases used regularly at meal times and children quickly understand the concepts involved.
Practicing number name rhymes is another way of reinforcing them in the childs mind, and they are usually associated with finger play, so not only are they more enjoyable for young children, but it means the number is also linked to the name.
Games and stories that we enjoy with younger children is will also involve the number names, and reinforce them.
Counting by Rote
Counting by rote basically means counting without understanding, it’s just learning a sequence of words. Later, they will relate to objects but initially do not. You may notice that some children, when asked to count objects, will always end at five or ten, no matter how many there are in reality. They have learned that number counting always tends to sound like “one, two, three, four, five”, even if there are only three objects. This will later progress into a meaningful counting, however songs and rhymes, for example, ‘five current buns’, ‘five little ducks’, ‘Ten sizzling sausages’, all reinforce the pleasure of playing with number rhymes. Counting is reinforced throughout the day with the numerous activities that children become involved with.
Counting with Meaning, and One-to-One Correspondence
This relates very closely to one-to-one correspondence when children realise that one number is linked to one object. Counting occurs