Childrens mental growth begins at the age of 6 and in some 7. Children at a 3rd grade level dont need to be motivated to learn, because they themselves are so curious that they are willing to try new things. To an eight year old relating means that he can touch certain things, feel and see and has personal meaning. Eight years old tend to be creative in art and will experiment when it comes to drawing and other ways of showing there talents. They understand the concept of time and can understand it more when its compared to something they can relate to, like a seed turning into a flower.
The moral development of an 8 year old leans towards the rules of behavior, reward and punishment. They know the difference between right and wrong. They assume that they will get something for a job well done and most 8 year olds dig for praise. They know that if something wrong is done a punishment of some sort usually follows right after.
Patrick loves to involve himself in many activities that help him develop cognitively. He loves to read books, learn new words and drawing. Patrick loves to draw people and animals and colors well in