Explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years.
When looking at a childâ€TMs development it is important to be aware of the five areas of development and the expected milestones. Whilst there are often ages attached to developmental stages, it should be noted that a childâ€TMs sequences and the pattern of their development may be relevant to the individual child and not necessarily the age of the child. It is also important to have a full understanding of the complete picture of the childâ€TMs development as opposed to purely focusing on one area.
The areas of development are Social, physical, intellectual, communication/language and emotional.
Whilst each area focuses on different aspects …show more content…
They are beginning to have stronger opinions and an understanding of right from wrong and the needs and feelings of others.
Communication/Language development
Can now use up to 1500 words and ask a lot of questions. They can express their opinions and ideas, whist able to listen to others and follow simple instructions. Most children in this age group will enjoy stories and rhymes.
Emotional development
Can still become frustrated at times, but are more able to control this. They are able to express themselves more clearly and able to respond to people who appear upset. They may become less dependent on their parent/carer
5 – 7 years
Social Development
By the time children start school, they have generally gained a good grasp of language and are able to communicate more effectively. They are able to follow rules and take turns during games. They often have a role model and imitate behaviour, sometimes negative behaviour.
Physical Development
They enjoy more independence and need less assistance with personal care. Gross motor skills are improving as are their fine motor skills, which helps when developing …show more content…
The need for approval from their peers may overtake that of their parent/career and they may enjoy being part of a group.
Physical Development
Children may now be reaching puberty and notice body changes. They have the ability to be independent with personal care and are more capable of complex physical activities such as sports or construction.
Intellectual development
They may develop their ideas and opinions by communicating and listening to other points of view, which they can now access using various sources. They have high concentration levels which enable them to understand and follow complex instructions.
Communication/Language development
By the teenage years children are using complex and varied language skills, they are able to communicate their own points of view with justifications. They can write well using meaning and punctuation, and read a variety of types and styles of literature.
Emotional development
They become more aware of their own emotions and those of others around them, they may worry how their own actions may affect other people. They become more aware of the world around them and may develop strong personal opinions with a wider understanding of justice and