Personal and Professional Challenges Matrix Worksheet
Use the following matrix to describe three personal and three professional challenges. For each challenge, describe time and stress management techniques along with personal development resources that may help a nurse overcome these challenges.
Personal Challenge Time Management Technique Stress Management Technique Personal Development Resources
Example: Balancing work and family responsibilities Use a calendar or organizer to plan my schedule. Take regular family vacations. Family counseling and self-help books
Stress Management Prioritize work to manage my immense workload. Take allotted breaks to allow decompression. Step back and allow myself to take a deep breath and meditate. Register to take a stress management workshop from UOP. Calling the healthy roads coach which provide stress counseling and other resources or log on to the website
If any of the above don’t work I may need get a personal leave from work r/t stress
Learning speak Chinese language Set goal: focus to study for at least 15-30 min a day Learn 5 new Chinese words daily Register at a local community college
Public Speaking Taking time to prepare and practice oral content Volunteer speak in class Register to take an Oral presentation workshop from UOP.
Professional Challenge Time Management Technique Stress Management Technique Professional Development Resources
Example: Keeping up-to-date with changing standards Plan time to review professional journals. Join a professional organization. Professional organization and professional journals – Identify the specific organization and list the website.
Nurse Burnout Plan time to care for myself Weekly massages Request on call or split one of my four 12 hour shifts
Keep up with standards of practice Set a goal to review journals and tutorials via internet Join nursing organization