Since the early 1900’s nurses have been trying to improve and individualise patient care. In the 1970s this became more structured when the nursing process was introduced by the general nursing council (GNC), (Lloyd, Hancock & Campbell, 2007) .By doing this their intentions were to try and understand the patient in order to give them the best care possible (Cronin & Anderson, 2003). Through the nursing process philosophy care plans were written for patients. It was understood that this relationship would ensure the patient received the best care possible to suit them individually. This would consist of not just the patient as a physical being but their spiritual emotional and holistic being also (Cutler, 2010). The nursing care plan has four main outcomes. It must include an assessment of the patient and their specific needs; a plan of action which must be implemented and evaluated. Moreover it is a process in which patients care is assessed and evaluated and is an imperative part of practice (Hunt & Marks-Maran, 1986). The care plan is the mechanism in which the nurse is able to make informed decisions using the nursing process (Cutler, 2010). However care plans have also been seen as providing nurses with a clear path to assisting the patient and providing the best care possible for them individually, moreover it ensures that nurses recorded their findings which will ensure high standards of care are set and maintained (Hunt & Marks-Maran, 1986). By following the SMART guidelines this should be achieved (Williams & Wilkins 2007).The remainder of this essay will go on to evaluate and critique a particular care plan and show the flaws and also what could have been included. In this care plan the main focus is on Mr McCue’s disrupted sleep pattern, the care plan is therefore aimed at achieving an unbroken sleep pattern. However a blatant thing which is missed from the care plan is that the nurse has not taken any observational
References: Cronin, P., Rawlings-Anderson, K. (2003) Knowledge for contemporary nursing practice. Edinburgh: Mosby. Cutler, L., Cutler J. (2010) Critical Care Nursing.London:Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Hunt, J. M., Marks-Maran, D. J. (1986) Nursing care plans: the nursing process at work. London:H M + M publishers. Kozier,B., Erb, G., Berman, A., Dynder, S., Lake, R., & Harvey, S. (2008) Fundamentals of Nursing Concepts, Process and Practice. Pearson Education. London. Lloyd,H.,Hancock,H.,& Campbell,S.(2007)Principles of Care Patel, S, & Hu, F 2008, 'Short sleep duration and weight gain: a systematic review ', Obesity (19307381), 16, 3, pp. 643-653, CINAHL Plus with Full Text, EBSCOhost, viewed 17th November 2011. Roehrs T, Roth T. Caffeine: Sleep and daytime sleepiness. Sleep Medicine Reviews [serial online]. April 2008;12(2):153-162. Available from: CINAHL Plus with Full Text, Ipswich, MA. Accessed November 11, 2011. Williams, L. & Wilkins (2007) Nursing care plans, made incredibly easy! USA: Wolters Kluwer