NRSG 115
October, 31, 2012
Article Review Number Two
This article briefly summarizes informatics providing definitions for confusing terminology and what it means for the nursing profession. Nursing informatics is described as the union of nursing science, computer science, and information science. As advances in technology continue, nursing informatics increasingly plays a larger role in patient care and nursing practice (Manal, Shaben, & Allen, 2012). By encouraging proficiency in informatics, the authors believe that nurses can improve their knowledge base and confidence in their practice. This competency can lead to a higher quality of care and a safer work environment in the nursing profession (Manal et al., 2012).
“However, choosing to ignore the technology does not address the challenges. On the contrary, nurses need to think about technology beyond skills mastery and critically examine how it impacts patient care and nursing practice” (Manal et al., 2012, p.14).
Nurses should view technology as another tool that is important for the profession and patient care (Manal et al., 2012, p.14).
All three authors are registered nurses. Kelib is a candidate for a PhD and holds two masters; one in business administration and the other in nursing. The remaining authors, Allen and Shaben, both hold masters in nursing. As nurses, they understand the increasingly complex world of technology that is changing the nursing profession, and why it is important for nurses to be competent in it. Two of the nurses provided their email addresses in the article for those interested in being a part of the Informatics Specialty Practice Group for Alberta nurses, which leads me to believe that they are very involved and obviously up-to-date in the world of nursing informatics. This article was published in spring of 2012. I believe it is one of the most current articles on the subject. It doesn’t
References: Kleib, M., Shaben, T., & Allen, D. (2012). Lost in translation. Alberta RN, 68(1), 12-14. Retrieved from